Tuesday, 6 February 2007

:: 19 Day Feast ::

Thursday 18th of January 2007

I got to experience my first 19 Day Feast at NABI. Bahá'ís celebrate the change of the Bahá'í month every 19 days, and these feasts are important channels for the Bahá'ís to discuss about the developement of the community. It was impressive how Chester, a Native Bahá'í and the chairman of the meeting translated all discussions between Navajo and English languages. I was happy to notice how Feasts all over the Bahá'í World follow the same pattern of having first the devotional part, then the administrative part and finally refreshments and socializing. The atmosphere, the spirit, the love was very similar to our Feasts in Rovaniemi, even though the topics of discussion were different. But the consultation always draws its' resolving power from the same Source, the Bahá'í Writings.

It's amazing to notice how people join songs. We had prepared some devotional songs to play at the Feast, and already after the first few words everyone had joined in.

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